Music on Hold Music vs Messages on Hold…Sound Quality on a Cell Phone

Just about everybody has a cell phone nowadays. In fact, some households don’t even have landlines. As a business owner who wants to utilize on hold marketing, it’s good to know what your callers waiting on hold can hear the best. Noise cancellation technology in cell phones effects the way we hear music on hold as opposed to messages on hold. The messages with a human voice mixed over music come through much more clearly …and should be something to consider with your own on hold marketing.


Thanks to significantly stronger technology and networks, “call drop” complaints have largely disappeared over the years. Remember the popular question, “Can you hear me now?” But there is still one drawback inherent in current cell phone noise cancellation technology…It cancels what it “thinks” is noise…and that noise is usually anything that’s not a human voice. Thus, one of the problems with only having music on hold.


Telephone music on its own can be a struggle to hear via cell phone because that technology is geared to mute anything NOT perceived as voice. That’s potentially troublesome for businesses relying solely on hold music without custom, professional voiceovers.


The best way to minimize interruptions can be achieved simply by adding a voice. If your hold music is flying solo, even the greatest tracks can be subject to dropouts and wavering ins and outs. A professional voice announcing a more personalized custom message helps keep the cell phone connection strong…and you can bet callers will get more from their time on hold because of it.


If you are utilizing messages on hold but have long musical intervals between each custom message, you might want to consider shorter intervals for your next production. 30-second music intervals were once common. Today, hold times are generally shorter and noise cancellation more common. So, keeping hold music intervals to 10 seconds helps ensure custom messages are expressed clearly.


Pleasant hold music can sound fantastic…and still be subject to annoying interference when heard on cell phones. Switching to a more comprehensive on hold marketing program complete with scripting and voicing offers a truly effective alternative. IAP studios ensure ALL callers are having a pleasant hold experience with clear messages describing your products, offers, specials, hours, and more. Utilize your phone system to promote your business and you won’t have to worry about the solitary music wavering in and out any longer.