True Messages on Hold Experience

The Messages-on-Hold (MOH) industry took off in the 1980s, and Illinois Audio Productions (IAP) was there at the start! As a pioneer in on-hold marketing, IAP offers genuine expertise and immeasurable experience. That goes for every aspect of MOH, from scriptwriting and voicing to top-quality digital equipment, licensed music, fast turnaround, and the best technical support and customer service in the business!


IAP’s long track record of satisfied clients goes back to 1986. We’ve developed a diverse pool of talent into a team of all-stars. You can hear it with our exceptional voiceover artists. Read it in the creative original scriptwriting submitted for your approval. And know that a super-knowledgeable professional is always glad to guide you in set-up, installation, tech support, and customer service.


With messages-on-hold, you have an opportunity to communicate specials, news, and promotions with a captive audience that’s already reached out to you. Give them something to consider while they wait. One distinct advantage of having IAP as your partner in marketing on-hold is evident in the creative experience. We’ll get to know you and your audience, crafting messages specifically for an on-hold audience. Conversational MOH audio can help express the essentials in a way that’s entertaining, memorable, and results oriented!


Your IAP Team


Many MOH vendors have come and gone over the years. Technology has also evolved significantly since the early days of on-hold music and messaging production. The IAP team has not only persevered, but we’ve also excelled by combining mastery of new technology and equipment with quick turnaround and fair prices.


Across the board, IAP personnel makes the difference. You’ll know right away whether you’re working with sales, technical support, or guidance in set-up. Our copywriters and voice talents are also the on-hold industry’s finest and most experienced.


Deep Expertise with a Streamlined Process


Another clear benefit with IAP‘s on-hold experience? We’ve got the process down to an art! Need equipment? Our sales team can get you hooked up. Our extensive familiarity with modern phone systems enables us to offer pinpoint guidance on compatible digital equipment. Not sure what questions to ask? We’re glad to work with your IT/phone people.


Copywriting comes next, another area where experience counts. Writing for a broad range of industries over time gives us the ability to come up with highly creative content, geared specifically for your clientele.


Next comes voicing, and once again, a higher level of experience works in your favor. Our pool of stellar voice talent is filled with broadcast expertise and amazing capabilities. We use only authentic human voices, not AI. Each voiceover artist is well-skilled in professional delivery, inflection, and nuance, giving your MOH production the perfect emphasis and producing better results!


Voice artistry doesn’t stop with standard English voiceovers, either. IAP has a reputation for super creative productions with celebrity impressions and a humorous tone. Multi-lingual options include Spanish, French, and German, just to name a few. Hear the samples at


Fast professional turnaround gets voice tracks back to the studio quickly for final editing, mixing, and delivery. From there, your finished audio files are ready for play with a clean, clear, and concise sound that makes callers take notice!


A More Dynamic Caller Experience


One aspect of on-hold marketing and music has not changed since day one. Silence can be a killer! Originally, messages-on-hold skeptics mistakenly thought that callers would be alienated and annoyed with on-hold audio. In reality, it’s silence that makes callers feel they’ve been abandoned. Time is exaggerated with nothing to fill it and clever on-hold messages take care of that extremely well.


Think of each MOH production and individual message as an opportunity to communicate one-on-one with your interested parties. They’ve called your number, so let them know what you have to offer. New technology enables the capability to play timely messages in a specified time frame, then remove them after expiration. Promoting a special sale, contest, or event? Here’s your chance!


IAP has message-on-hold productions down to an art form with expert guidance through each stage. We offer lightning-fast turnaround and support to get your messages in operation rapidly and with stellar clarity. Your level of involvement in the process is entirely up to you and our rates are very competitive!


Choosing Equipment


The MOH industry has come a long way from the old days of loop cassette tapes. IAP offers multiple digital player options, and technical knowledge about the playback unit most compatible with your phone system.


The IAPUSB on-hold digital audio player stores audio files from a USB, plays them in alphanumeric order, and stores them for immediate play in the event of a power disruption.


IAPRemote digital audio players use a LAN connection and our online portal. The IAPRemote allows for scheduling of special promotions, events, and holiday recordings with specified “start” and “stop” times. And you don’t have to lift a finger!


IAPStream is an internet-based platform. Use your IAP app or use an app to adjust volume, trigger announcements, and change channels on streaming commercial-free music!


…And Speaking of Music


You should know that music on-hold needs to be licensed. Playing radio on hold, for example, is considered a rebroadcast by regulatory agencies like ASCAP and BMI. Plus, radio has annoying commercials and DJs! Without permission and costly fees, playing radio on hold can lead to punitive fines. Using IAP music beds alleviates all that. We offer an immense selection of catchy music beds in a massive array of genres. Callers are much happier with the right tunes in smooth jazz, oldies, rock, classical, and so many more.


Talk to IAP


IAP has satisfied thousands of customers with professional Messages-on-Hold, Overhead Music/Messaging, IVR and Auto Attendant recordings, Radio commercials, Narration voiceovers, and E-Learning and Explainer videos. Think of messages-on-hold as a direct link to your customers and callers. Accentuate your brand, increase sales, and inform callers about vital news. MOH with IAP makes it happen!


Contact us at or at 1-630-552-9600 to get started.


Be Heard. Be Creative. Be Informative.

Every customer who walks through your door represents a profitable opportunity. The customer experience inside counts for a lot and what they hear in overhead music and messaging plays a significant part in it. Balancing ads with catchy music helps deliver a pleasant atmosphere for shopping while also guiding your clientele to the products and services you want to promote the most.


Without DJs and interruptions, overhead music gives you freedom to customize play lists from over 90 categories and all without jarring disruptions. It’s a radio-style listening experience that you can control creatively, and Illinois Audio Productions (IAP) can help you blend informative promotions in a seamless production. Be heard and capture attention with an audience that’s right there and eager to buy!


Don’t be surprised to find how easy IAP makes the overhead music/announcement process. Getting overhead audio into play mode is surprisingly simple with a little guidance from our pros. Our approach integrates your brand, image, and custom messaging with music that matches that brand and individual style.


Overhead Messages, When and Where You Want Them


One distinct advantage you get with IAP’s Overhead Messaging system is the ability to play your own custom commercials, produced in the IAP studio. Plus, you can choose when and how frequently those commercials are heard. Got a promotion geared for mornings or afternoons only? Restaurateurs and retailers often do! Our overhead messaging puts you in control of the “day-part” options and IAP is always glad to guide you through any questions about scheduling.


You also have the power to play overhead messages or a specific music track on demand. For example, hospital maternity wards can play a lullaby with the click of a button when a baby is born. And imagine the possibilities during the holiday season!


Streamline Production, Rapid Deployment


The IAP production process for overhead music/messages boils down to a three-phase process: Submit, Produce, Deploy.


If you’ve used IAP for messages-on-hold, narration voiceovers, IVR production, and/or radio commercials, you’ve already experienced a similar process. Submit the information you want you want customers to hear about and remember that creative content should be concise and easy to digest. Conversational phrases in individual messages should total 50 words or less. And as always, if you need help with the writing, IAP expertise has you covered.


Once the custom wording has been confirmed for voicing, IAP professional voice artists begin recording. You have a dynamic variety of highly experienced voice talents to choose from, and multi-lingual options are also available. After voicing is complete, a studio tech polishes the voice tracks to sound amazing and crystal clear, then they’re programmed for playback as you see fit.


Deployment involves overhead announcement scheduling, determining intervals, and replay frequency. Don’t let that part intimidate you. IAP can handle the technical stuff to make your life easier and help determine how often you want individual announcements to play overhead.


No Pesky Interruptions!


Even with the availability of streaming services, you may still hear commercial radio playing when you walk into some stores. Don’t make the same mistake at your place. IAP Overhead Music/Announcements avoid blaring commercials that only serve to annoy your customers while potentially promoting the competition. Our Overhead Music and Messaging also eliminates the intrusion of obnoxious, offensive DJs.


Overhead Music Rotations: Always Fresh, Never Stale


Switching up overhead music is a good idea, especially at establishments with a lot of repeat business and food service places where customers are likely to hang around. IAP offers 90+ channels to suit practically any musical taste. That selection continues to grow, giving you combination options that are virtually limitless. The mix your customers hear overhead is entirely up to you. Or in a random selection if you prefer a more hands-off approach.   


Either way, licensed ambient music from IAP helps create a positive customer experience, and that boosts sales. With so many streaming music channels in a huge array of genres, you can keep everyone entertained with tunes that match your brand. Top hits for grocery stores, singer-songwriter selections for coffee shops, and instrumentals for offices and reception areas are just a few suggestions that set the proper mood.


Jazz, country, rock, and rhythm-and-blues are a sample of the styles available. There’s also world and nature music. You can choose a collection like Retro Range and Contemporary Brew, or a blend like Classically Smooth with light classical and smooth jazz.


IAP streaming overhead music is also licensed through regulatory agencies like ASCAP and BMI to ensure contributing artists get paid. We report and pay the licensing fees, so you don’t have to!


No Downtime!


Let’s face it. Not every facility has the strongest broadband. Internet outages and brief hiccups have been known to interfere with overhead music/messaging systems. Not ours. IAP’s Overhead Music includes a nifty feature you won’t always find elsewhere. Auto Play keeps fallback music tracks playing in the event of an internet outage.


7-Day Programming


One more reason to make IAP your overhead music/messages supplier? 7-Day Programming offers flexible Day-Part Scheduling so you can set different styles at different times. Want smooth jazz from 9 to noon and upbeat dance music during certain evening hours? This feature allows that freedom. Restaurants, bars, convenience stores, grocery stores, medical facilities, dealerships, and hotel lobbies all use 7-Day Programming for overhead music.


Talk to IAP


Since 1986, IAP has helped thousands of customers with Messages-on-Hold and phone recordings for IVR and Auto Attendants, Radio commercials, narration voiceovers, E-Learning and Explainer videos, and of course, Overhead Music/Messaging. Our sterling reputation for customer service, technical support, and fast turnaround ensures your production is perfect.


Create experience and define your brand. Increase sales, communicate sales promotions, and promote customer loyalty. IAP puts overhead music and messages at your fingertips with channel selection, volume control, and on-demand announcements.


Make us your partner in audio production and contact us for professional overhead messaging and music projects. Contact us at or by phone at 1-630-552-9600 to get started and we’ll give you a quote!


Professional Voiceovers

Voiceover Marketing


Connecting with customers is more significant when a dynamic voiceover actor tells the story. Even the most brilliant print campaigns and scripts take on more life when captured in audio by a professional voiceover actor. Captivating an audience takes a certain level of charisma and skill; proper execution is more complex than you might think.


The right voiceover services, such as explainer videos and e-learning videos, can also benefit complex productions for internal company use. Illinois Audio Productions (IAP) offers vast expertise as a voice talent agency, with fast turnaround and affordably reasonable rates. Companies nationwide rely on IAP for friendly voice actors who are pleasant to the ear and hold attention.


IAP’s professional experience also delivers beneficial guidance through each phase from concept to completion for all types of custom voices. Consultation and copywriting prior to voicing are just two areas where IAP streamlines the process for customers. We listen to your objectives and goals, develop the script for your approval, and begin production in the studio with your designated voiceover.

Choosing a Voice Narration Agency


Choosing the right voice might be the most critical step in production, and you have multiple options with IAP. Broadcast experience in voice talent delivery makes a huge difference in the degree of success. And you’ll find that professionalism in IAP voice selections, with an ample offering of distinguished female and male voice artists.


IAP uses authentic human voices and not AI. Rest assured that the voice you choose is an experienced professional whose narrative voice interprets content and delivers just the right emphasis where it’s needed. The finished project is a polished production that expresses your content with 100% accuracy.


Getting Started


Not sure where to start? Don’t worry about scripting. IAP will help organize the most vital components of your narrative and word it to match the specified time frame. This part of the process will seem familiar if you’ve used IAP in the past for messages-on-hold, overhead messaging, radio commercials, and/or eLearning and Explainer videos. It all begins with a consultation so we can learn the important details and attitude you wish to convey.


This is also the stage to pin down any verbiage that needs to be included for legal and compliance reasons. Specific language is sometimes required and knowing when and where it needs to appear is essential for the overall flow of the production.


Once the script has been confirmed and the voiceover has been chosen, recording begins and the final production is turned around exceptionally fast! English isn’t our only language either. Explore IAP’s multi-lingual voiceover options.


Inspire, Educate, and Update.


What do you hope to achieve with your production? Training videos require a certain pace and cadence to be the most effective and relay pertinent information in a manner that’s relatable and retainable. IAP can point out ways to transform otherwise dry and mundane material into more retentive copy.


New employee introductions and legal requirements can also be more effective with a friendly voice narrator, especially when paired with video. Ongoing education on a company-wide basis also makes an ideal platform for an audio/video collaboration that engages its audience. Want to tell a story on social media or YouTube? The narrative voice just might be the most critical element in the reception.


The most egregious errors made in do-it-yourself productions relate to timing, scripting, and voice delivery. Poor editing is the fastest way to lose an audience with the spoken word. Brevity keeps the pace moving and avoiding unnecessary clauses like “at this time” can make a real difference in whether or not your audience is paying attention or drifting off!


The best option is to leave these components to the professionals at IAP, whose experience can make your narration voiceovers pleasantly simple!


Find Your Voice!


Which voice is the right voice for you? IAP offers a diverse selection, and all are supremely experienced and qualified to be your next voiceover We’ll help you determine the best approach for a style of delivery no matter who you choose, maximizing the impact while making your message memorable. Your finished production may be geared for a classroom environment or multimedia platform, and you can rest assured that IAP will make your narrator voice anything but dull and monotonous!


If you have already used professional IAP voiceovers in other areas of audio production like eLearning and Explainer videos, we’re always glad to assist with more of your narration projects. If you’re NOT already acquainted with IAP voice artist options, take a moment to preview our samples online.


IAP Makes the Voice Clear!


Illinois Audio Productions is a family-owned operation in the Filippi’s second generation. IAP started as an early pioneer in the Messages-On-Hold (MOH) industry back in the 80’s before flexing its muscle in multiple other areas of recording. Since then, IAP has built a stellar reputation in MOH, auto attendant and IVR greetings, radio commercials, overhead announcements, eLearning and Explainer video productions, and multimedia collaborations for the narrator’s voice.


That solid foundation comes with other benefits. Our broadcast expertise allows us to offer a major market sound with reasonable, competitive pricing. We’re also known for exceptional customer service with a knowledgeable staff always willing to work with you one on one. As for turnaround time, let’s just say that IAP gets your production in play fast!


Excellent Proven Results


We’ve continued evolving with changing technology since our inception in 1986. So get the finest results with IAP, always a step ahead. Voiceovers, MOH, Overhead Music/Messaging, licensed music, phone recordings like IVR trees and auto attendant, eLearning, Explainer videos, and scriptwriting services are all in our wheelhouse. Everything we do is backed with outstanding customer service and technical support!


Make us your partner in audio production and contact us for professional narrative voice projects. We’ll be glad to give you a quote. Contact us at or by phone at 1-630-552-9600 to get started!



Professional Voiceovers for Explainer Videos and eLearning 

Effective Explainer Video and eLearning Narration


Global workplace connectivity has triggered increased demand for voice-over videos for company training via professional recordings and the utilization of continually changing technology. Remote workers and satellite offices are now easily networked, opening more eLearning opportunities and training via explainer videos. Illinois Audio Productions (IAP) has significant experience in explainer video production and eLearning voiceovers, creating narrations and tutorials that reach their intended audience and get results.


As businesses and organizations continue to solidify their workforce, one of the keys to employee retention starts with proper training. Dialing into the most essential for explainer videos is why choosing an explainer video maker is so critical. Investing time in recruit training goes a long way toward long-term commitments, and you want a production that makes the point stick. That same level of IAP professionalism and experience applies to ongoing training and credit certifications.

IAP can walk you through the process, including copy content, voice talent, and any additional production elements required. We begin by learning about your operation and what training needs to be conveyed. Capturing and maintaining attention requires smart copywriting and selecting the right voice from your Explainer video production company. IAP expertise can be invaluable through this stage and every ensuing phase of production.


Reaching your primary audience


With eLearning narration, IAP applies the same developmental principles as Explainer video production, only with a somewhat modified appproach. For example, the eLearning tone may be geared more toward educational/seminar-length instruction and for multiple forms of broadcast by computer or multimedia tools. Our experience has resulted in numerous successful productions for a cross-section of industries.


Once the scripting has been molded to your specifications, proofread, modified, and confirmed, e-learning voiceovers bring the material to life in friendly, soothing tones that amaze and hold attention. As with live instruction, knowing how to connect with a group takes skill and attention to detail. IAP knows how to captivate audiences and turn the process around quickly at a pleasantly affordable price.


Relaying essential information


Helping staff, students, trainees, and recruits feel comfortable can be a vital first step in increasing the information they retain. Take a proactive approach and listen to IAP’s highly talented voice options for Explainer videos and eLearning narration. We only use authentic human voices for genuine appeal that can’t be replicated to the same high standard.


Another plus? IAP is not confined to just the English language. We have a dynamic range of international voiceover artists, covering Spanish, French, Japanese, Italian, and German, just to name a few.


Not sure where to begin? Don’t worry, as IAP can help organize your salient points into a cohesive narrative, properly emphasizing the most critical points for a logical flow. Sometimes, the hardest part is getting the first words down; our professionals offer all the guidance and patience you need.


Using eLearning and an Explainer Video for Compliance Requirements


Conveying audio and video for training often includes required messaging to meet compliance with government or agency regulations. Typically, the material can seem a little dry in delivery, no matter how important the content is. Overcoming that challenge is where professional voicing in the IAP studio can make that essential production more attractive, clear, and concise with just the right tone.


Depending on state and federal requirements, specific wording is likely necessary to meet legal ramifications and avoid penalties. Again, IAP expertise in this area can help you create the proper flow of the narrative while ensuring those requirements are met.


Branding and uniformity


If you already employ the services of IAP in other areas of audio recording, messages on hold, overhead music, and phone greetings, why not maintain uniformity in your brand and the voices already representing you? As your eLearning and explainer video company, we can help blend a familiar feeling across multiple channels for better customer recognition. It creates a more memorable image that’s easier to remember overall.


What’s the big deal about professional narration?


Why is it so important to use a professional narrator? From the classroom to a multimedia learning session, the more engaging the instruction, the more quickly the material is absorbed and digested. Monotonous, amateurish voicing is a sure way to lose an audience’s attention span. And it’s not so easy to get them back if that voice isn’t commanding attention in the first place.


You may have already experienced better results with professional IAP voiceovers in other areas of audio production. Expect the same high level in explainer videos and eLearning narration.


The IAP Approach 


Illinois Audio Productions is truly a family-owned operation. The company began when the messages-on-hold (MOH) industry was still in its infancy in the mid-80s. Today, IAP is in the Filippi family’s second generation and specializes in recording services. In addition to MOH, we’ve also been involved in thousands of productions for phone systems, like auto attendant and IVR greetings, radio commercials, overhead announcements, and narration in eLearning voiceovers and Explainer video production.


IAP is a well-established provider of top-quality audio productions, giving you a significant market sound with good old-fashioned personal customer service. You’ll find our pricing just as competitive. And rapid turnaround time is a hallmark of IAP audio productions.

This is especially helpful with critical e-learning rollouts.


What’s the next step?


Reasonable rates with true broadcast experts who understand the multi-faceted aspects of modern marketing: IAP’s deep recording history goes back to 1986, and we’ve evolved with changing technology from day one. So make the smart choice and IAP your explainer video agency and primary source for eLearning voiceovers. Messages on Hold, Overhead Music/Messages, and Radio Commercials, too. You’re in excellent hands with IAP, from script writing to technical support.


Make us your partner in audio production and contact us for professional eLearning and a quality explainer video. We’ll be glad to give you a quote. Contact us at or by phone at 1-630-552-9600 to get started!



On-hold messages for business in 2024

On-hold messages for business in 2024: tips and what to avoid


“Thank you for holding. A representative will be with you soon. We’ve all heard these words at least once in our lifetime (if we’re lucky enough).  Being placed on hold during a phone call is as common as morning coffee, but it doesn’t have to be as dull as watching paint dry. On-hold messages for businesses are more than just filler noise; they’re a chance to keep your customers engaged and satisfied. On-hold messages might seem small, but they are crucial to customer satisfaction and retention.

Think of each phone call as a chance to strengthen your relationship with a customer. Every interaction counts, whether they’re calling to make a purchase or seeking assistance. While it’s impossible to please every customer every time, you can ensure their time on hold is well spent by engaging them effectively and addressing their immediate needs. Research even supports the importance of on-hold messages. A study revealed that the presence of updates or background music has a notable impact on customer satisfaction compared to simply hearing a ringing tone. How businesses handle their on-hold experience can significantly affect how customers perceive their service.


Can’t just anyone from your company record on-hold messages for business?


Creating the perfect on-hold message isn’t just about anyone hitting the record button. It’s not just about anyone from our company recording messages; it’s about selecting a professional voice talent that resonates with your audience. Firstly, the voice you choose should reflect your brand identity. Whether friendly and conversational or formal and authoritative, the voice sets the tone for your customers’ experience while on hold.

In addition to voice, selecting the perfect and suitable on-hold music is very important. The music should complement your brand identity and cater to the demographics of your callers. A well-chosen piece of music can make the waiting experience more pleasant and keep callers engaged while they wait. The content of your on-hold messages matters, too. It’s an opportunity to inform, entertain, and engage your callers while they wait (more on that below). A well-written script conveys essential information about your products, services, and promotions, all while keeping callers interested and informed.

Knowing when to play on-hold messages for business is crucial. Long wait times can be frustrating for callers, but strategic placement of messages can alleviate boredom and make the wait feel shorter. By integrating messages at strategic intervals, you can ensure callers stay engaged and feel in control of their wait time.

How can you use on-hold messages for business?


Share your company’s news:

Keeping your callers up-to-date with the latest happenings in your company can make them feel more connected and informed. Here’s a script example: “Thank you for calling [your company name]. Did you know we recently expanded our services to [mention the new service or location]? Stay tuned for more exciting updates!”


Share new product announcements:

Use the on-hold time to introduce callers to your latest products or services. A short script could be: “While you wait, we’re excited to announce our newest product, [X-name of the product]. It’s designed to provide a very brief description of the product’s benefits. Be sure to ask our representative when we return to the line.”

Just make sure not to go into too much detail, as it can sometimes annoy the listener, who may already be impatient with all the waiting.


Notify the callers about any current sales or promotions:

On-hold messages are a perfect opportunity to highlight ongoing promotions or discounts. Here’s an example: “At [again, insert your company name], we love to treat our customers! That’s why we’re offering [mention said promotion, sale, or discount] exclusively for callers like you.” 


“Thanks for holding. Did you know we currently offer 20% off all online orders? Visit our website and use promo code [XYZ] at checkout to enjoy this exclusive discount.”


Inform them of the wait time.

Letting callers know how long they can expect to wait helps manage expectations and reduce frustration. Be transparent about wait times to respect your customers’ time truly. Keep this script concise: “We appreciate your patience. Our team is assisting other customers and will be with you shortly. Your call is important to us, and we’ll provide you the assistance you need.”


Final thoughts

Remember to keep your on-hold messages for business clear, concise, and engaging to make the most of your on-hold time and enhance the caller experience. At IAP, we have known the importance of on-hold marketing for a long time. Our professionals have been delivering high-quality audio services since 1986 and can show you how to create a fantastic message for your specific audience. You can even check our on-hold message samples for different industries and markets, e.g.,  the auto industry, dental businesses, financial institutions, restaurants, and more!

Get a quote for your business, or contact us here.


Music on Hold for Industries

Music on Hold for Industries


Imagine the impact that a first greeting has in the world of first impressions, where every second matters. IAP (Illinois Audio Productions) understands music’s critical role in establishing any prospects mood. We aim to create captivating and engaging audio experiences that turn boring wait times into memorable occasions.


We will discuss music on hold for Industries across various industries, including dentistry, medical, park districts, HVAC, showrooms, and auto dealerships. IAP significantly influences your business’s customer experience by choosing music and audio that speak to your target audience and capture the spirit of your brand.


The Importance On Hold Music

On hold music acts as the first point of contact between the caller and the brand, representing the front-line aspect of a company’s communication strategy. Hold music does more than just fill the hole left by silence; it also significantly impacts how callers behave, wait patiently, and perceive your brand. Psychological research has demonstrated that listening to music while waiting reduces stress and irritation, which improves the caller experience.


Challenges of Generic Hold Music

Generic hold music presents several issues that seriously impede a company’s communication plan. Generic hold music frequently has monotonous melodies or catchy tunes that don’t pique callers’ interest, which leads to dissatisfaction and disengagement. Customers become dissatisfied due to this lack of distinctiveness, negatively impacting the caller experience and the company’s brand. Generic hold music also symbolizes a squandered chance for interaction and branding. Businesses, including park districts, dentistry, medical, HVAC, showrooms, and car dealerships, miss out on the opportunity to use customized audio experiences to communicate their distinct identities and values.


Businesses miss significant opportunities to engage with callers, establish brand awareness, and create favorable associations that may eventually increase customer satisfaction and loyalty when they don’t have tailored hold music.


Illinois Audio Productions’ Music on Hold for Industries

IAP aims to usher in a new age of personalized audio experiences by releasing “Music on Hold for Industries.” We are deeply aware of music’s crucial role in influencing the consumer’s image of brands. We approach each project with a customized strategy. Our solutions are designed to meet various businesses’ specific requirements and brand identities. They are not one-size-fits-all solutions. Our skilled specialists are adept at providing audio music on hold that connects with callers and improves their overall experience, whether crafting calming melodies for a medical facility or lively tunes for an automobile dealership.



Benefits of Choosing Illinois Audio Productions


Selecting IAP for your music-on-hold service has several advantages that improve customer satisfaction and strengthen brand recognition. Businesses may set the ideal tone for their callers and create a sophisticated and professional atmosphere with our vast library of high-quality music. Whether their sector is medical, dental, HVAC, park districts, showrooms, or auto dealerships, companies may improve brand identification and create a unique identity in the minds of their callers by choosing custom-hold music.


Here’s how:


  • Extensive Music Library: IAP gives companies access to a vast library of high-quality music, giving them various options when setting the ideal mood for their callers.


  • Tailored Solutions: No matter your firm, our service enables you to select custom-hold music created especially for that industry. This customized strategy creates a distinct brand identity for the business and improves brand recognition.


  • Professionalism and Sophistication: Businesses may reinforce their brand image and provide callers with a great experience by using our music-on-hold service to create a professional and sophisticated atmosphere.


  • Smooth Integration: We provide a smooth transition for organizations by seamless integration with their current phone systems, which keeps their regular business operations unaffected. At the same time, they take advantage of our services.


  • Knowledge and Quality: Businesses may rely on IAP Audio Productions’ knowledge to provide outstanding hold music solutions. Our unwavering commitment to quality guarantees callers an unforgettable experience, which speaks well of the business and its devotion to providing high-quality customer service.


Furthermore, a smooth transition is guaranteed by our seamless process with current phone systems, enabling companies to take advantage of our services without interrupting their daily activities. Businesses can rely on Illinois Audio Productions’ experience to provide outstanding on hold music solutions that reinforce their brand’s dedication to excellence and create a lasting impression on callers.


The IAP Process

We use a simple, team-based approach to provide outstanding music and messages on hold for industry services. First, customers discuss their needs and preferences with our knowledgeable staff, mentioning their industry, ideal atmosphere, and corporate identification. After that, our staff collaborates closely with the client to choose an exquisite music selection that complements their vision. Customers can offer suggestions and request changes. After approval, deployment is quick and easy, with our staff ensuring that existing phone systems for HVAC, park districts, medical, dental, and auto dealerships may be easily integrated.


By involving customers at every process stage, we guarantee a customized hold music solution that improves caller satisfaction and effortlessly and effectively upholds brand professionalism.



We’ve put together a list of frequently asked questions and concerns regarding IAP music on Hold for industries service for those who are interested:


Q: What exactly is on hold music, and why is it important?

A: The sound of calls placed on hold during phone conversations is known as hold music. It’s essential since it improves caller perception and the consumer experience.


Q: How does the process work, and how long does it take?

A: A collaborative approach wherein clients discuss their preferences and needs with our staff. After that, we carefully choose a range of excellent music alternatives based on their industry and brand identity. The project’s complexity determines the timetable. However, we always aim for efficiency without sacrificing quality.


Q: Can we change the on hold music to reflect our brand?

A: Definitely! We provide customizable alternatives to guarantee that the hold music perfectly complements your desired mood and corporate identity. Customers can offer suggestions and request changes until they are happy with the finished product.


Q: How can I get started or learn more?


A: Please email us at or give us a call at 1-630-552-9600 to find out more about our Music on Hold for Industries service. Our team is prepared to help you with any questions or get started on improving your caller experience right now.


For inquiries, consultations, or to learn more about our Music on Hold for Industries service, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at or by phone at 1-630-552-9600.


Professional Audio Music on Hold

Professional Audio Music on Hold


Music on hold and on hold messages are crucial to niche marketing while your prospects and clients are on hold. It’s a realm where clarity is king, where the subtle nuances of sound create unforgettable experiences, and where every voice finds its place.


IAP (Illinois Audio Productions) will set the perfect mood with on-hold music, enhancing your image. As experts in licensed on hold music, we will legally craft sounds that reflect your brand identity and keep your audience engaged during those first essential moments.


Understanding Music on Hold Services


IAP believes audio production is more than just a technical process; it’s an art form. Our audio services go beyond mixing and mastering; it’s about sculpting soundscapes that evoke emotion, enhance storytelling, and captivate audiences. We create an immersive experience that resonates with listeners long after the sound fades away.


In today’s media landscape, dominated by visually stunning content, the importance of impeccable audio quality cannot be overstated. While eye-catching visuals may initially draw viewers in, the audio quality keeps them engaged and immersed in the narrative. Exceptional audio is the secret weapon that sets your projects apart from the competition, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.


Consider, for example, the impact of on-hold music in a business setting. Imagine a customer calling a company for assistance and being greeted by static-filled, generic music on hold. The poor audio quality immediately creates a negative impression, detracting from the company’s professionalism and customer service experience. In contrast, expertly on-hold music from that same customer is greeted by a soothing melody or a catchy tune that enhances their waiting experience, leaving them with a positive impression of your brand.


Background noise and muffled dialogue can easily distract listeners and diminish the impact of your message. Every voice needs to be clear and resonate with precision, elevating average content to professional heights.


Our Audio Production Services


Whether you’re a retail store, restaurant, or corporate office, a carefully curated selection of licensed music tracks and playlists will create a welcoming and engaging atmosphere for your customers and employees. Our licensed music solutions are a must to avoid any legal issues with the music industry.


Regarding commercials, we understand the importance of capturing attention and delivering your message with impact. Our team works closely with clients to develop creative concepts, write compelling scripts, and produce high-quality audio that cuts through the noise and resonates with your target audience.


Voiceover production is another area in which IAP excels. Whether you need a professional narrator for your documentary, a voice for eLearning, or anything in between, we have the talent and expertise to bring your vision to life. With a diverse roster of voice talent and professional recording facilities, we ensure that every voiceover project is delivered with clarity, emotion, and professionalism.


Messages on hold are an often overlooked but crucial aspect of customer communication. Our music-on-hold services help businesses create a positive and engaging experience for callers while they wait. We tailor our on-hold solutions to reflect your brand personality and enhance the customer experience.


Throughout every stage of the production process, quality assurance is our top priority. Our rigorous QA process ensures that every audio file that leaves our studio meets the highest standards of quality and accuracy, guaranteeing that your projects sound their best and leave a lasting impression on your audience.


Why choose IAP Audio Productions?


When it comes to audio production services, there are plenty of options to choose from. Still, at IAP, our reputation, customer-centric approach, and competitive pricing set us apart as the premier choice for all your audio needs.


Our reputation speaks for itself, and we have a long list of satisfied clients spanning various industries and projects. We understand that quality audio management shouldn’t come with a hefty price tag. That’s why we offer competitive pricing packages designed to suit projects of all sizes and budgets. Whether you’re a small business owner or a major corporation, you can trust that our pricing options are transparent, fair, and designed to provide maximum value for your investment.


Are you ready to take your audio to the next level? Contact us today via email at or by phone at 1-630-552-9600 to discuss your project and discover how IAP Audio Productions can help you achieve your goals.  You can also provide us with your contact information and we will give you a call.




On Hold Music and Messages

The Significance of On-Hold Music and Messages


Enhancing the caller experience is essential for maintaining client satisfaction and engagement. The strategic implementation of on-hold messages and music plays a crucial role in acquiring new business, reinforcing branding, and extending courtesy.


Many businesses and organizations seek customized messages or music while your prospects and clients are on hold. Updated automatic answering services that sound professional and closely align with their brand identity are what we do best.


When customers call a company, being placed on hold is rarely a pleasant experience. Thus, companies are improving this experience by ensuring the caller stays engaged and informed. On-hold messages for businesses fulfill this purpose by reassuring callers that an agent will be with them promptly and that their call is essential to the company.


IAP Audio Productions specializes in recording and delivering these vital on-hold messages, which enhances customer engagement and projects the desired professionalism.


Our services select the perfect voice to represent your brand and inform callers with professional voice talents. They also ensure your business features are the most suitable on-hold music, which caters to your customer demographics and keeps content fresh with the latest promotions.


IAP Audio Productions focuses on creating on-hold messages that combine sales with customer support. Their team of industry copywriters and professional voice talents produces on-hold phone messages that elevate customer experiences and support sales. IAP Audio Productions exhibits versatility, working with industries like automotive, finance, and healthcare, and extends its services to overhead music and innovative marketing solutions.


Furthermore, IAP Audio Productions offers on-hold messages that concentrate on caller retention and provide actionable content to prevent callers from hanging up. They highlight the potential for boosting sales through strategic on-hold marketing.


IAP delivers on-hold messages that blend the best in sales and customer support. Their voice recordings, crafted by a team of industry copywriters, professional voice talents, and marketing experts, create on-hold phone messages that contribute to better customer experiences and can help drive sales.


Besides employing skilled writers, IAP Audio Productions uses nationally recognized and experienced professionals to provide voiceovers paired with licensed music. They can supply files in various formats like .mp3, .wav, .etc., and offer digital hardware as needed.


The process starts with a consultation, followed by scripting, Productions, and delivery. Multiple audio samples are available on our website, showcasing sectors such as health care, legal, real estate, insurance, beauty, and medical industry.


We also provide many other audio services, including voiceovers for radio advertisements, website audio, explainer voiceovers, IVR greetings and eLearning audio.


A Fun Fact About Custom On-Hold Messages


  • Did you know that approximately 70% of callers are put on hold and that within just 45 seconds, 60% of those on hold hang up?


  • It is acknowledged that the best way to keep customers engaged while on the phone is to entertain them.


  • This is where voiceover and music-on-hold services come into play for your business.


  • Increase your transactions by up to 20% when mentioned in your on-hold messages.


  • Cross-selling and up-selling become effortless when you utilize on-hold music messages to promote additional services and other special offers while your customers wait.


  • Special greetings can inform them that you are closed for business due to a holiday observance.


  • If 88% of callers prefer on-hold messages and music, why not surpass their expectations with our on-hold experience?


Our experts craft the ideal on-hold message experiences for your customers—precisely as you desire.

IAP Audio Productions offers a suite of services, including on-hold messages, auto-attendant greetings, and overhead music for stores and businesses. While IAP Audio Productions serves brand-name companies, they offer affordable services for businesses of all sizes.


On-hold services not only provides skilled copywriters with the ability to draft your original script but also encourages businesses to keep their messages current and up-to-date with the latest campaigns and marketing messages.


Remarkable on-hold messages and music services are designed to captivate and retain callers. Statistics show that 70% of callers are put on hold, and their approach concentrates on entertainment and engagement, increasing offers and promotions during the hold time. Their on-hold music messages effectively cross-sell and up-sell, contributing to your business’s profitability.


In conclusion, on-hold phone music and messaging services enhance the on-hold experience. With 88% of callers preferring on-hold messages and music, businesses should exceed expectations by providing a superior on-hold experience.


Ready to take the next step? Explore our samples and check out examples of our past work on our website. From voiceovers to on hold music, you’ll see the caliber and creativity we bring to every project.


When you’re ready to begin, reach out to us for a consultation without hesitation. Our team is here to address any queries you may have and offer personalized recommendations to fulfill your audio Productions requirements.


Elevate your audio experience with IAP Audio Productions today! Visit our website at  to learn more and get in touch.

Music on Hold

Raise your client’s phone experience with expert music on hold solutions


In today’s competitive organizational environment, every touchpoint with a customer is a golden opportunity for branding and engagement. This is especially true when a customer is on the line, waiting to speak with your team. Change these quick waits into an impactful brand-name experience with our top-notch music on-hold services.


An often-overlooked detail, the Music on hold player is the unseen ambassador of your business’s image. It sets the auditory stage for your clients, using soothing tunes to enhance their calling experience. Moreover, popular music on hold can affect consumer mood, making the wait much shorter and more satisfying.


However, it’s not just about music.  Music On-hold messages play an essential role in communication. These messages are an opportunity to notify, engage, and even captivate. With tailored on-hold messages for organizations, you guarantee that your customers are welcomed with a tune, important information, and a warm, welcoming voice.


Crafting the Perfect On-Hold Messaging for Your Business


On-hold messaging is an art that combines informative speech with convincing interaction. Whether revealing brand-new services, sharing valuable ideas, or letting callers know their persistence is valued, these messages influence your customer care toolbox.


Selecting On-Hold Music for Business

The selection of on-hold Music for an organization is a strategic decision. It should show your brand’s personality—classic beauty, jazzy elegance, or contemporary vibrancy. The correct phone-on-hold Music can reassure clients that we have made the ideal call, literally and figuratively.


Integration and consistency

Integrating your on-hold Music and messages with your overall marketing technique is vital. Constant messaging across all platforms reinforces your brand and helps seal your corporate identity in the minds of your clients.


The bottom line

A premium on-hold music player, paired with carefully crafted on-hold messages, can significantly enhance the caller experience. It turns a necessary wait into a chance for your organization to shine. From popular tunes to custom-created on-hold messaging, the power of audio must not be underestimated.


Many company phone systems allow you to record your messages for customers on hold. This is specifically true with a full-blown contact center as a service (CCaaS).


After all, consumers who should make a call to an organization wish to prevent being postponed, so if your company needs to do this, you need to make the experience as pain-free and effective as possible. That implies motivating the caller to stay on the line, as a representative will talk to them soon while also guaranteeing that the caller is calm and assured that their call is valued and essential to that business.


Thankfully, IAP Audio Productions can record and supply the messages you need to optimize client engagement and ensure you predict the professionalism you want.


After all, a customer calling your business probably has a technical issue or grievance that has annoyed them. For this reason, any on-hold message should state that the call is vital and express the sentiment as honestly as possible. In addition, on-hold messages can be tailored to support marketing activities for upselling.


For that reason, we have listed the best on-hold messaging services presently offered, which are listed below.


We’ve also included the very best interactive voice-assisted (IVR) systems.


On-hold messaging improves your customer experience by giving the ideal voice to represent your brand name and inform callers, utilizing professional voice skills. IAP Audio Productions also looks to ensure you have the best Music to match your customer demographics, and we can make sure any recordings are updated with your newest promos.


Rather than simply offering audio samples, IAP Audio Productions can offer greetings for auto-attendants and IVRs that automatically route calls, ensuring that clients spend less time on hold while routing to the correct department and the first agent provided to help with their inquiries.


IAP Audio Productions offers several voice and music samples on its site, consisting of male or female artists, voices for digital signage, industry samples, IVR prompts, and worldwide voice samples in different languages.


IAP Audio Productions promotes that we regularly work in the automobile, financing, health care, hospitality, salons, and retail industries.


IAP Audio Productions aims to develop a favorable experience with on-hold messaging to decrease the variety of times customers detach and engage customers to drive extra sales by promoting appropriate products or services. Audio Productions has experience in numerous industries, including vehicle, monetary, health care, hospitality, restaurants, retail, and salons.


Offering on-hold marketing details can increase caller sales by 16% to 20%.


We likewise use auto-attendant, IVR services, and voicemail greetings that promote professionalism and the company brand to callers and clients.


Let IAP Audio Productions help you discover the ideal noise for your organization. With our know-how, your clients will be humming your brand name’s tune long after the call ends.


Music on Hold For Any Business

Music on Hold For Any Business


Welcome to IAP Audio Productions (IAP), where we offer top-quality audio production services tailored to your project needs. From licensed music selections to custom on-hold messaging, we specialize in delivering professional-grade audio solutions. In today’s competitive market, high-quality audio is essential for enhancing brand image and engaging customers through the power of sound. At IAP, we understand the importance of creating captivating audio experiences that leave a lasting impression. With our expertise, extensive music library, and commitment to excellence, partnering with IAP ensures your projects stand out and succeed.


The Power of Professional Audio Production


In today’s digital age, where consumers are constantly bombarded with content, the power of professional audio production cannot be understated. The audio we encounter, whether it’s in commercials, podcasts, or even while on hold in an important business call, significantly impacts our perception of a brand and our level of engagement with it. Professionally produced audio not only elevates the quality of a project but also enhances brand credibility and trustworthiness.


Consider the role of on-hold music for businesses, for instance. When customers are placed on hold, the experience can either be a frustrating one with generic, low-quality music or an opportunity to reinforce brand identity and provide valuable information. Professionally crafted on-hold messages coupled with licensed music create a seamless and pleasant customer experience, enhancing brand perception and fostering a positive impression of the company.


Furthermore, professionally produced audio has the potential to transform various types of projects, ranging from commercials to podcasts. In commercials, the right combination of voiceover, sound effects, and licensed music can evoke emotions, capture attention, and drive action. Similarly, podcasts rely heavily on audio quality to keep listeners engaged and coming back for more. By investing in professional audio production, businesses, and content creators can ensure their message is conveyed effectively, resulting in higher audience retention and engagement.


Numerous case studies and statistics support the effectiveness of quality audio production. For instance, research has shown that businesses utilizing on-hold messaging experience lower hang-up rates and increased sales conversions compared to those without. Similarly, podcasts with superior audio quality tend to attract larger audiences and garner more positive reviews and feedback from listeners. These examples underscore the tangible benefits that come with investing in professional audio production, making it an essential component of any successful marketing or content strategy.


Services Offered by IAP


At IAP Audio Productions, we offer a comprehensive range of services to meet all your audio production needs. Our services are designed to enhance the quality and effectiveness of your projects across various platforms.


First and foremost, our voice-over service ensures that you find the perfect voice to represent your project. Whether it’s for commercials, e-learning materials, or phone greetings, we understand the importance of matching the right voice to your brand and message.


Keeping callers engaged and informed is crucial, which is why our On Hold Messages & On Hold Players service is essential for businesses. With professionally crafted messages and licensed music, we help businesses create a positive on-hold experience for their customers.


Our Scriptwriting service is dedicated to crafting compelling narratives tailored to your target audience. From radio and TV commercials to explainer videos, we ensure that your message resonates with your audience and drives action.


Creating a professional first impression is key, which is why our Phone Greetings & IVR Greetings service is invaluable. We help businesses create professional greetings that set the tone for a positive customer interaction.


For businesses looking to advertise on radio, TV, or satellite, our Radio/TV Commercials & Satellite Spots service is essential. We specialize in creating attention-grabbing commercials that capture audience attention and drive results.


Enhancing the ambiance of retail and business environments is made possible with our Overhead Music & Messages service. We provide a wide selection of licensed music and messages to create a pleasant atmosphere for customers.


Streamlining the distribution of audio content is made easy with our CD/DVD Duplication service. Whether it’s for promotional materials or educational content, we ensure that your audio content reaches your audience efficiently.


Making educational content engaging and informative is our specialty with our e-Learning Narration & PowerPoint Narration service. We provide professional narration to help learners stay engaged and absorb information effectively.


Adding clarity and personality to instructional videos is effortless with our Explainer Video Narration service. We help businesses create engaging videos that effectively communicate their message to their audience.


Lastly, our Podcasts service is dedicated to helping businesses establish thought leadership and connect with their audience through engaging audio content.


With our versatile range of services, IAP Audio Productions is equipped to cater to diverse project needs, ensuring that your audio productions are of the highest quality and effectiveness.


Why Choose IAP?


Choosing IAP Audio Productions means teaming up with experienced professionals who are committed to delivering top-notch audio solutions tailored to your needs. Our diverse team includes talented voice actors, scriptwriters, and audio engineers, ensuring that your project is in capable hands.


We pride ourselves on using state-of-the-art equipment and technology to maintain the highest standards of audio quality. Our goal is your satisfaction, and we work tirelessly to meet deadlines and exceed expectations.


What’s more, we offer competitive pricing and customizable packages to accommodate various budgets without compromising quality. At IAP, we’re dedicated to providing exceptional value for your investment.


In essence, when you choose IAP Audio Productions, you’re choosing expertise, quality, and a commitment to your success. We’re here to help you achieve your goals through outstanding audio production, and we can’t wait to work with you.


The IAP Advantage


When it comes to audio production, choosing a local company like IAP Audio Productions offers numerous advantages, especially for businesses operating in North America. By opting for a local provider, businesses can tap into a range of benefits that contribute to smoother collaboration and enhanced results.


Based in Chicagoland, IAP offers a unique advantage to clients in the region and across North America. One of the key benefits of partnering with a company headquartered in Chicagoland is accessibility. With the ability to schedule in-person consultations and meetings, clients can enjoy a more personalized and collaborative experience. This direct line of communication facilitates a deeper understanding of client needs and ensures that projects are executed to perfection.


Moreover, being located in Chicagoland means that IAP has a firm grasp of the local market dynamics and cultural nuances. This insight allows the team to tailor audio productions to resonate with the target audience effectively. Whether it’s selecting licensed music that aligns with regional preferences or crafting on-hold messages that speak to the local demographic, IAP’s knowledge of the Chicagoland market ensures that clients receive tailored solutions that make an impact.


In addition to accessibility and local expertise, choosing a Chicagoland-based company like IAP also translates to faster turnaround times and efficient communication. Proximity to clients enables quick responses to inquiries, revisions, and feedback, leading to streamlined project timelines and enhanced efficiency. Clients can expect prompt delivery of high-quality audio productions without sacrificing attention to detail.


Furthermore, as a local business, IAP is deeply committed to serving its community and contributing to its success. Through partnerships with local businesses and organizations, IAP not only delivers exceptional audio production services but also actively supports the growth and prosperity of the Chicagoland area. By choosing IAP, clients benefit from superior audio solutions but also become part of a larger community-driven initiative focused on mutual success.


In essence, the IAP advantage extends beyond superior audio production to encompass accessibility, local expertise, efficient communication, and community engagement. For businesses in North America and Chicagoland seeking top-notch audio solutions tailored to their needs, partnering with IAP Audio Productions is the key to unlocking success.


Transform Your Audio Experience with IAP


To sum it up, if you’re thinking about improving your audio projects, IAP Audio Productions has your back. Our team is passionate about creating top-notch audio experiences tailored just for you. We’ve got the skills, the gear, and the dedication to make sure your audio stands out in all the right ways. Whether you’re after engaging voiceovers or smooth on-hold messages, we’ve got the expertise to bring your ideas to life. Drop us a line for a friendly chat or a quote. We appreciate you considering us for your audio needs!


Interested in learning more about the advantages of professional audio production and how it can enhance your projects? Dive into our blogs and guides on our website. We’re committed to helping you make informed decisions about your audio needs and ensuring you achieve the outcomes you’re after.


Ready to take the next step? Explore our samples and check out examples of our past work on our website. From voiceovers to on hold music, you’ll see the caliber and creativity we bring to every project.


When you’re ready to begin, reach out to us for a consultation without hesitation. Our team is here to address any queries you may have and offer personalized recommendations to fulfill your audio production requirements.


Elevate your audio experience with IAP Audio Productions today! Visit our website at IAP Audio Productions to learn more and get in touch.